Kids with Vents
We are a support and advocacy group for parents who have a child or teen who uses a ventilator full or part time (any type, including NIPPV.) Young adults who are on a vent from a childhood disorder or injury are also welcome to join!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Kids with Vents Facebook Group

Kids with Vents,
young adults
Friday, March 11, 2011
With Every Breath I Take
All the colors of the rainbow
All of voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation lives to testify
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a whitness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the Hope in every heart will speak what love has done.
I love this song - especially the middle part. Sometimes I wonder why God allowed me to be born with CCHS, but when I hear "With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above", I realize it doesn't matter if those breaths come from a ventilator. I am God's original creation, he formed my every cell, I am His child, and I am perfect the way I am!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Heartmade Blessings
"Heartmade Blessings is a world-wide group of volunteers dedicated to providing hand-crafted items to those people suffering a loss, tragedy, or going through a rough time that need to be reminded of the simple fact that people care. The organization was founded in March, 2001. Heartmade Blessings come from all the wonderful people who donate squares for afghans and bearghans. They are also made possible through the efforts of the warm, caring people who donate their time in assembling and organizing the distribution of these items to those in need. We truly believe these people are nothing short of a "blessing" themselves." http://heartmadeblessings.org/
I recently received one of Heartmade Blessings' beautiful Comfortghans while recovering from aspiration pneumonia. It was made just as my mom had requested, with my favorite colors and images (see photos below), and I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who made my wonderful Comfortghan - you truly have been a blessing to me! - Love, Deborah
My Beautiful Comfortghan |
Warm and Toasty |
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Each square and the tote bag comes with a tag from the volunteer who made it. Thank you to all those who made my Comfortghan! |
If you would like to request a comfort afghan or a bearghan please email Heartmade Blessings at heartmadeblessings@nc.rr.com and provide the following information:
1. Your first and last name and e-address.
2. Please indicate if you are requesting a Comfort Afghan, Operation Purple Heart afghan or Bearghan. Bearghans are sent for children ages infant to approximately 6-years of age. Children age three to six receive a smaller sized Comfort Afghan.
3. Recipient's first and last name.
4. Verified mailing address the assembler will be sending the comfort afghan to.
5. Reason for the request (i.e., illness, bereavement, etc.).
All information provided will kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of Heartmade Blessings.
2. Please indicate if you are requesting a Comfort Afghan, Operation Purple Heart afghan or Bearghan. Bearghans are sent for children ages infant to approximately 6-years of age. Children age three to six receive a smaller sized Comfort Afghan.
3. Recipient's first and last name.
4. Verified mailing address the assembler will be sending the comfort afghan to.
5. Reason for the request (i.e., illness, bereavement, etc.).
All information provided will kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of Heartmade Blessings.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Meeting of Friends!
Colton and Deborah |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Carmen's Story
My name is Liz, and my daughter Carmen is four years old. Carmen was diagnosed with late-onset CCHS (Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome) when she was 16 months old.
We live in Tennessee, but traveled to San Fransisco in December 2007 to visit family. Carmen had a cold and was very congested. In the early morning, after Christmas Day, I woke Carmen to try to get her to cough up her secretions. She aspirated and went limp in my arms. My brother-in-law is an ER physician, and he was resuscitating Carmen while my sister called 911.
Carmen was admitted to UCSF Children's Hospital, diagnosed with RSV, and was put on a ventilator. She failed two extubations, and the doctors were telling us that something else was wrong. Carmen had every test imaginable (X-rays, MRI, EEG, echocardiogram, and a sleep study, etc.) to rule things out. The sleep study showed that she was retaining CO2 only while she was asleep. The doctors began to prepare us for the possibility of Carmen having CCHS, which is a very rare genetic disorder. She was trached on January 17, 2008, and a week later we learned that Carmen does have a PHOX2B mutation of 20/25.
After 33 days in the PICU at UCSF, we took a medical flight to Vanderbilt Medical Center. We were there for about a week to learn about trach care and the ventilator, before returning home. We have never had home nursing care for Carmen, because we have not qualified for any assistance, and my husband's insurance (BCBS) does not cover private nursing services. I quit my job so I could care for Carmen full time.
Carmen is an only child. She attends a community based inclusion preschool so she can interact with her peers. She does not have any developmental delays, so our public school system does not think she need to be in school yet. They will only begin providing nursing services at school once she begins Kindergarten. So, I go to school with her to provide her trach care needs and to hook up her ventilator when she naps. Carmen is strong-willed, bright, sassy, and fun! Despite her trach, she can be extremely loud, even without her speaking valve. We look forward to the day she can be decannulated, and either be ventilated via Bipap or with a diaphragmatic pacemaker.
Thanks for reading our story!
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