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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heartmade Blessings

"Heartmade Blessings is a world-wide group of volunteers dedicated to providing hand-crafted items to those people suffering a loss, tragedy, or going through a rough time that need to be reminded of the simple fact that people care.  The organization was founded in March, 2001.  Heartmade Blessings come from all the wonderful people who donate squares for afghans and bearghans. They are also made possible through the efforts of the warm, caring people who donate their time in assembling and organizing the distribution of these items to those in need. We truly believe these people are nothing short of a "blessing" themselves."

I recently received one of Heartmade Blessings' beautiful Comfortghans while recovering from aspiration pneumonia.  It was made just as my mom had requested, with my favorite colors and images (see photos below), and I absolutely LOVE it!  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who made my wonderful Comfortghan - you truly have been a blessing to me! - Love, Deborah

My Beautiful Comfortghan
Warm and Toasty
Each square and the tote bag comes with a tag from the volunteer who made it.  Thank you to all those who made my Comfortghan!

If you would like to request a comfort afghan or a bearghan please email Heartmade Blessings at and provide the following information:

1. Your first and last name and e-address.
2.  Please indicate if you are requesting a Comfort Afghan, Operation Purple Heart afghan or Bearghan.  Bearghans are sent for children ages infant to approximately 6-years of age.  Children age three to six receive a smaller sized Comfort Afghan.
3. Recipient's first and last name.  
4. Verified mailing address the assembler will be sending the comfort afghan to.
5. Reason for the request (i.e., illness, bereavement, etc.).
All information provided will kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of Heartmade Blessings.

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